Hello friends,
A lot of us have coconut trees at our homes/gardens/orchards/farms and we regularly look out for services of pluckers/Padekar's. Through insights from the community, we are trying to develop a coconut pluckers WIKI ( list with contact no's, services offered and locations)
This will solve the following problems
It will give citizens a list of service providers to choose from
The citizens can comment and review the services provided against each service provider
As a citizen group, we can try booking services as a group, because services for a few trees becomes unviable financially.
If you are aware of any more you may kindly share with us so that we can make a comprehensive list for Goa.
Please Note:--
1. This effort is only to make various options available to the community.
2. ComePostVille in no way is responsible for service quality/safety.
3. We have verified the correctness of the contact numbers on 22.09.2022

Thank for all for the various numbers shared in addition to what we had. We will verify and include them as and when we get. While we were doing this exercise of gathering information, we had interesting conversations with various stakeholders including government officials.
There is a scheme of the Agriculture Department wherein training sessions are conducted for padekars below the age of 45. Details are in the attached photograph below. We are planning to organize one such in Ponda in the first week of November. If someone knows any padekars who may be interested please comment.
Insurance is also given to padekars who undergo this training wherein a cover of around 5 lakhs with a premium of Rs 99 is done.