Today I had an opportunity to interact with students of Home Science College at Panaji Goa, facilitated by Asst. Professor Mitali Bhate wherein we discussed about various aspects of sustainability.
The basics of various methods of composting like aerobic, anaerobic, vermicomposting, black soldier fly larvae composting involves various branches of science like biology, zoology, chemistry predominantly and it could be a good way to learn these in a practical hands-on way.
Preparation of bioenzymes which involves fermentation (chemistry) and its use as a natural cleaning agent, the amount of gap that we need to keep to avoid explosion of the container (Physics), the ratio of 1:3:10 (by volume or by weight ? mathematics) are some very interesting ways of learning science.
The 52 day lifecycle of Black soldier fly right from the eggs, to the larvae, pre-pupae, pupae, adult fly, their preferable ecosystems at various stages, can be practically observed and experienced at home, by someone interested in zoology.
A student who learns basic sciences in such practical hands-on way would never forget these basics and would be able to appreciate science is a much better way isn't it ?
Today at Home Science College Miramar Panaji